Comfort eating, binge eating and compulsive eating are usually satisfying the emotional need for comfort, or the escape from pain. The relief you receive when over eating is always shortly lived as the next day you have to face the scales. Weight goes on again, feelings plummet and the whole destructive circle starts all over again.
Your relationship to food is lifelong, it is important to find the correct balance and eat what you need to eat and not want to want to eat. This track helps to re-program your subconscious and achieve that balance.
I would like to express my deep satisfaction with the results of using Hypnotic Tracks hypnotherapy downloads. The quality of Sam’s voice is exceptional, and I found myself deeply relaxed and floating away.
All too often today, it is impossible to relax but by listening to the Hypnotic Tracks downloads, you can achieve a quality of deep relaxation in 20 minutes that it can normally take weeks to achieve on holiday.
It is the perfect antidote to stress. I listen to the Relaxation and Confidence track and the Increased Energy track every day.