Sport is as much a form of psychological combat as it is physical. Our physical and emotional sides are highly connected. That's why being stressed or upset can really take it out of you and leave you feeling drained. So, no matter how physically fit, talented or skilled you are, if you are not mentally prepared you cannot expect to perform to your true potential.
Very few coaches incorporate techniques to utilise the power of the subconscious mind - yet it is proven to have a huge impact on performance. This track should be used as an essential part of any sports training. It will provide you with the mental strength, focus and energy to match your physical skills and ability.
Earlier this year, I worked with Sam on a one-to-one basis when he was the mental preparation coach for Oxford United football club. I have found his techniques to be very effective and therefore have downloaded all the tracks from the Sport Achievement section. I cannot stress just how beneficial the downloads have been for me this season.