Being assertive means standing up for what you want. If you can assert yourself you can state clearly what you need, express opposition and can calmly confront situations. Having the ability to feel assertive and take control of a situation is an essential life skill. If you possess the ability to say 'no' then you take back control of your life, grow in confidence and earn respect from others.
As with all 'learned' behaviour it is possible to re-programme your brain with new powerful messages at a subconscious level. This self-hypnosis track will leave you feeling more relaxed and in possession of the strength and ability to assert yourself positively.
I bought the Anxiety, Exam Nerves and the Relaxation and Confidence tracks before my AS-level exams. I was very anxious about taking my exams and even when I was supposed to be relaxing, I would feel nervous. A few days after listening to each of the tracks, I noticed that I began sleeping again which was really cool because I had been stressed for such a long time and I hadn't had a proper night's sleep in ages.
Gradually, sleepless nights became less frequent, and as time went on I noticed that I was generally less anxious and more relaxed in all kinds of situations.